Unit Title: Corporate Strategy and Planning Unit Code: SM
Level: 6 Learning Hours: 210
Learning Outcomes and Indicative Content:
Candidates will be able to:
1. Critically evaluate the nature, scope and need for
systematic corporate strategic planning ---------- Already
taught but to be reviewed in October/November
1.1 Describe and explain the growth, advantages, and limitations of
systematic corporate strategic planning
1.2 Compare and contrast the different models and patterns of
strategy development
1.3 Examine the different levels of strategy and the characteristics
of strategic as compared to tactical decisions and management
1.4 Describe and explain with the key elements /steps in the
corporate strategic planning process
1.5 Analyse and assess the corporate planning process in different
organisational contexts
2. Assess the scope, uses and techniques of analysis for corporate
strategic planning ------------------------ Already taught but to be reviewed in October/November
2.1 Examine the scope, importance and uses of analysis in
corporate strategy: Strategic Fit and SWOT
2.2 Examine the scope, uses and techniques of macro
environmental analysis –The PESTEL framework; scanning and
2.3 Examine the scope, uses and techniques of market and
customer analysis
2.4 Examine the scope, uses and techniques of competitor analysis
2.5 Examine the scope, uses and techniques of internal
(company) analysis
2.6 Examine techniques of portfolio analysis and planning
3. Identify, consider and assess strategic options and decisions ----Already taught but
to be reviwed in October/November
3.1 Describe and explain the range, nature and inputs to
setting corporate objectives and goals
3.2 Evaluate ‘mission’, ‘vision’ and ‘strategic intent’ statements
3.3 Explain and evaluate the concepts of ‘strategic stubbornness’
and ‘strategic drift’
3.4 Evaluate Profit vs. other primary corporate objectives
3.5 Examine ‘gap analysis’ in setting objectives
3.6 Identify and assess strategies for competitive advantage
3.7 Identify and assess strategies for growth: directions and
3.8 Identify and assess strategies for mature and declining markets
3.9 Identify and assess strategies for different market positions
4. Evaluate and decide between strategic options -------------
To be taught on the 4th of October, 11th October
4.1 Explain the use ideas and concepts related to the decision
making process
4.2 Examine the frameworks, concepts and criteria for evaluating
and selecting strategies
4.3 Identify and assess techniques of strategy appraisal and
decision making including decision trees and the PIMS data
5. Make recommendations with regard to implementing strategies
and measuring and controlling corporate strategic performance --- To be taught from 18th
of October, 25th October
5.1 Examine the concept of ‘strategic architecture’ in
implementing strategies
5.2 Examine the links between corporate strategies and
organisational structure
5.3 Explain the concept and use of Strategic Business Units
(SBU) structures
5.4 Explain the importance and nature of resource allocation
and budgeting
5.5 Assess human resource issues in implementing
corporate strategic plans
5.6 Assess the issues in planning and managing change
5.7 Identify and examine the issues in, and techniques available for
measuring and controlling corporate strategic performance
5.8 Examine and evaluate the role and importance of management
information and decision support systems in evaluation and
6. Identify and critically evaluate key contemporary issues and
future challenges affecting corporate strategic planning --------To be taught on 1st November,
8th November, 15 November
6.1 Examine global influences and aspects of corporate
strategic planning
6.2 Examine corporate strategy in innovative and
entrepreneurial organisations
6.3 Examine and discuss social and ethical issues in corporate
6.4 Examine and discuss corporate governance and
stakeholder concepts of business
General Revision to be done on the 22nd and 29th of November 2008.
Assessment Criteria:
Assessment method: written examination
Length of examination: three hours
Candidates should answer four questions from a choice of eight, each
question carrying equal marks
Recommended Reading
ABE Study Manual – Corporate Strategy,
Johnson G, Scholes K,
Exploring Corporate Strategy (2004),
Pearson Higher
ISBN: 0273687395
Haberberg A, Rieple A,
The Strategic Management of Organisations (2001),
Pearson Higher Education
ISBN: 0130219711